Tuesday, July 1, 2003


well i'm here. i forgot to post yesterday. we haven't done that much. today i got to watch my soaps after krispy kreme and the park.

my train was 20 minutes late yesterday. we were ahead of schedule going into harrisburg. we had to wait there for a good while. some guy sat down beside me and talked. it was crazy. i was so cold on the train so i coudl'nt sleep and then i got out my computer to warm my legs with the heat coming from it.


  1. anonymous (LiveJournal)July 1, 2003 at 5:23 PM

    Yay for Krispy Kreme! Did you like them?
    I'm at work w/big headache, so decided to play around for a bit before my meeting so I will be able to think. Glad you guys are having fun!
    My prof should be coming tomorrow- very excited!

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)July 8, 2003 at 9:43 AM

    we liked the original ones the best
