Tuesday, May 9, 2006

this weekend

well everyone read my post for how i felt saturday morning. then at 9:45 we left for Philly. In Irwin at PA Avenue we turned around to come home for something. We forgot our pillows. Then we left again. On the turnpike we saw 6 cops waiting to pull people over/pulling people over. it wasn't a fun time. they must have needed to make a quota or something. We got to PB's dad's house and then went to Pat's Pizzaria to share a SMALL cheesesteak. Then we went to the hospital. PB's mom was doing alright. She was in a lot of pain. She was sitting up and talking. We signed her pillow that she needs to hold when seh coughs. She won't remember Saturday or Friday; They give this medicine that makes you forget or something.  She was in intensive care so you only get to visit on 3 1 hour increments each day. 11:30, 4:30 and 7:30.  We went to visit at 4:30 Saturday and she was alright talking and all. Then she wanted to go into bed from sitting. The nurses made us leave. It took them about 20 minutes to move her and you could hear her discomfort.
then we went to applebees. we = pb, his dad, shawn (pb's mom's bf), and me. then we went home and watched tv . we didn't go at 7:30 becuase so many of pb's mom's relatives were going to visit and officially you are only allowed to have 2 people in the room at a time. when i was there in the afternoon there were 3 and 4 the whole time and nobody said anything.  we saw joey on our way home. He's a junior in high school and was PB's friend since he was little wee. HE wanted to know what PB was doing around. He didnt' know about PB's mom at all. His dad knew all about it before we arrived because he saw us pulling in when we first got to philly. joey didnt' think anythign of it that his dad didnt' tell him. he said "he probably didnt' want me to know about it."

at dusk PB and I went to the park to take pictures just like the picture in the frame he gave his mom for mother's day 2 years ago.  it started to get hard taking pictures because it got dark.

saturday night i fell asleep watching tv on the couch. i think i ended up sleeping a little over 10 hours. then sunday at around 10 we went back to the park and took more pictures. then we talked to joey again. joey's gf was asleep in his room and joey offered to let us meet her but then when we accepted he went to get her and she didnt want to. pb said it was because her hair wasn't all brushed and stuff.
then we went to pat's again for cheesesteak but this time we got cheese fries and a chef salad.  then we went straight to the hospital. on our way at a redlight we happened to see shawn in the car next to us. he was in the car with his mom. he was trying to introduce us to her. we never met her.

then at the hospital the dr and nurse were in with pb's mom. we waited and they came out and took us to this special room and asked us questions about her that we didn't know. then shawn joined us in this room. pb's dad didn't join us until the hospital room later.  well they had to put pb's mom on a ventelator and knock her out w/ drugs. they weren't going to wake her up until at least halfway through monday. she was going through withdrawal off of some medicine she was on that they weren't told she was on. the nurse was sure yelling at shawn about giving correct information.  so then we didnt' even stay the full hour and we left to go back to pb's house to pick up a few things and head out.  we brought a truck full of stuff home that was at pb's house. now his mom can fully take over his room. i was sooooo tired when we got home. then pb wanted to clean out his car so we coudl drop it off right after work the next day.  it took forever to get our stuff out of it.  i didn't even put everythign away and i was so exhausted. 

on a side note.. when we dropped off the car we forgot to keep the plate. i wanted the plate.

i was so exhauted that i went to sleep at 8pm last night and slept the whole night. i only went to sleep for a nap. it lasted a little bit too long.

i guess it wasn't that long of an involved story at all. it felt long and it seemed involved because of pb's mom.

last we heard (which was last night) was that his mom was still asleep. i want pb to call adn ask about today but he wants to wait and hear. he is nothing like me.

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