Saturday, December 1, 2007

my clothes and the party

we had our work christmas party. we got free beer. but no other booze. we do an elephant gift exchange .i ended up with a clock. i brought my tic tac toe drinking game. people liked that. it kept getting stolen. i knew it would go over well with the drunkards. i didn't' expect people to actually get drunk. then we ended up with 2 more gifts because one guy didn't want 13 bobble heads. and craig was nice and gave us the electric screwdriver that he got. and pb also ended up with 3 boxes of chocolate. the chocolates were our gift from sue this year.

i wanted to wear something i can't or don't wear to work and it was buisness casual attire. i wore a short skirt. i'll post a pic later. well i sure looked pretty in my nice outfit. but a short-ish skirt and drunkards don't go well together. i got embarrassed. one guy at the group christmas party kept making remarks about my skirt and how i should be vana white (when we were doing the gift exchange) and even commented on it again later. i can't even believe the drunkards. girls complimented me on my nice outfit. i actually only wore a skirt because haley said she was and i couldnt be outdone by her because jason has pics of her up at work and people think she is all hot. well i won. she did not look good.

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