Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i'm tired
i just finished doing my work for work

today i went into work early. i worked hard then left for PT then came back and ate half my lunch because i didn't have time for the rest
then i worked again
then i left to go to dinner in shadyside for a carnegie mellon mentor dinner since i'm a mentor
then i went to littles and bought shoes
then i got lost (a lot of times)
then i came home and ate dinner (again...ooops)
then i worked.... now it's bedtime

i have to be at work by 7am. i like to sleep for 8 hours. this is going to suck.

so eating 2 dinners won't be good for my weight graphs. but then on top of that i ate a TON of chips with dip after the 2nd one.

the dinner in shadyside was at a tai restaurant. it was scary. i didn't know what to order. i got a noodle thing with chicken and broccoli. well it sounds better than it was.

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