Thursday, December 3, 2009

A day's worth of Twitter....

00:18:44 — @mikecherepko I thought of organizing a party today while on google wave.
00:19:54 — My lampshade in the bedroom should be an inch lower. I'm sick of looking at the light bulbs.
09:39:48 — @mikecherepko Well i'd have to take baby steps to organizing. Also few people I know have google wave and nobody seems to check it.
10:14:51 — i think the scale must be broken. it has said 125.8 the last 5 mornings that I weighed myself.
22:38:19 — someone i graduated high school with came up to me today and asked if i was Colleen Murtha. he was close i guess.
22:39:25 — yea poor me. RT: @mikecherepko: I bought presents for @tenroaches and @polahbea today. They didn't have one for @smilincolleen. Poor her.
22:40:04 — happy hour tonight for a work organization got like nobody
22:40:29 — wll it got 9 people. but then i learned at least 3 of them weren't even members of the organization. ha. at least i wasn't runnign this one.
23:13:39 — you gotta be kidding me. i have to wear plain white tomorrow. i wore my white today. ugh.
23:31:54 — wow i just realized i didn't eat any real food today. krispy kreme donut. 3 cookies, fried zucchini, chicken finger, cheesefries

You can find me as smilincolleen on Twitter.

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