Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Day's Worth of Twitter

12:02:31 AM - I have a headache. I'm not tired. I'm hot. I'm in bed trying to fall asleep and it is not working.
06:48:54 AM - my allergies were fine and then boom all of a sudden can't breathe and need to sneeze and blow my nose constantly. grr
08:22:20 AM - @BodyMediaFIT yea I work at a desk too. And lots o hours. Try to exercise 1 hr 6 days a week.
08:25:21 AM - @mikecherepko or @TENroaches do you remember the name of my fish that only lived a few days
08:44:22 AM - Telecommuting and poly won't let me get any work done so I just closed her out of my room. she was hitting me when i wouldn't play fetch.
05:52:05 PM - I cannot find my last unread email. Also I worked 2 hours extra today. Telecommuting is bad in that respect.
10:35:43 PM - gut gut go away (sung to the tune of rain rain go away. not sung by me of course)
11:12:37 PM - I just took a shower after my workout and dries my hair. It looks good for once. Too bad I'm going to waste this on sleeping.

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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