Saturday, December 25, 2010

7 things

Well I was reading Angeline's blog and saw that she was tagged to share 7 things about herself. Before I continued reading, I thought how I'm never tagged. Well I was.  So here goes.

  1. I played basketball in 7th grade (not for the school but for NCAA I think it was)
  2. I was in drama club in 7th and 8th grade. In 8th grade I failed the test on purpose. I didn't want to do it but my friends wanted me to. I still made it. I don't know how that happened. 
  3. I was afraid of cats until probably the end of June 2010. (We got a cat in May 2010)
  4. I am an independent person. Even at 6 months old, I fed myself. This caused my parents to stop feeding my older brother. He still talks about how that. He wanted to be fed and be lazy.
  5. I got engaged and 5 months later finally picked a wedding date. Then 4 months later changed it to sooner.  Everyone said we were the worst couple at planning a wedding. 
  6. I want my body donated to science or I want to be cremated when I die. I don't want to be buried because cemeteries will get full and that's wasted land. I've thought like that since I was in middle school.
  7. I am the worst at giving gifts. I get too excited and ruin the surprises. Or I shop late and don't get anything good.

Now I'm passing this along by tagging AshleyChrissyBrieErin, and Callie.  (I probably should tag 7 but 5 is good enough for on Christmas.)
Feel free to share a few facts about yourself as comments. 

I have shared facts before. I made this list before looking at my old one. 

(I tried to find pictures associated with these things or old posts but failed.)


  1. - There was a test for drama club? I am confused.

    - Re: #4, Hahahahahahaha.

    1) Very few things weird me out in the animal kingdom, but ants and centipedes do. Also the thought of accidentally stumbling upon a Brown Recluse or Black Widow. I've been scared of Brown Recluses since I got obsessed with them after reading a Reader's Digest article in second grade. Once when working at the NC Arboretum, I opened up a water connector to water something, and there was a big Black Widow in the lid and I threw it across the grass and left it there all day before I put it back.

    2) I still did not understand where babies come from even after "the talk" in 5th grade. I was in early high school when I figured it out, I think.

    3) If I eat peanut butter too fast, I will start to temporarily black out. Also I blacked out once in Chorus class from trying to see how long I could hold my breath.

    4) I got jaded about how special days and special times are supposed to feel at a very young age. I can remember being six years old, standing next to the swing set in my gray hooded sweatshirt, and thinking about how this fall didn't feel as "fally" as the fall when I was five. I get that way about holidays, too. It's hard for me to feel a good creepy Halloweenfeeling, or a warm, wholesome Christmasfeeling, but I want to so bad.

    5) I never remember to take pictures of things that might be nice to have as memories.

    6) I never told anyone personal things about myself until college, I think. I was embarrassed of any emotions; I was especially bad about telling anyone I liked them, even if they were my friend, and it was worse if I had a crush on a boy. Almost no one ever knew about that. Then I did a 180 and probably told people way too much about myself for almost the last decade. I'm toning it down again, I hope.

    7) I have never smoked a cigarette, even once.

  2. When I was in 8th grade they had a test. Apparently they had too many try out who couldn't handle their parts the previous years. They also made the audition memorizing 900 some word part instead of a 300 word thing.

  3. Angeline, Thanks for tagging me.

    I have another interest fact I forgot to list so I need to remember it the next time I get tagged :)
