Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Day's Worth of Twitter (2/24)

05:57:05 AM - Wants to go back to sleep. Wants to work out. What will win?
06:43:15 AM - Oops went back to sleep without an alarm
07:58:34 AM - Well I am at my desk but I forgot I need to be at building 1.
08:38:40 AM - Of course. It rains while I walk between buildings. And it is coming down harder a I walk
09:02:13 AM - OK So I get here and don't have my power cord. My battery won't last until the meeting is over. But then the projector won't work.
09:02:28 AM - And I can't find another room. What a Great Day.
10:15:03 AM - My computer battery did not last the meeting.
11:54:34 AM - My computer hates me.
02:48:00 PM - My computer really hates me. I think it likes how it forces me to reboot all the time.
02:53:04 PM - Preparing network connections takes far too long.
02:55:48 PM - Computer should not be stuck here.
07:03:46 PM - still at work didn't workout. :(
07:52:12 PM - I ate some pizza on my way home.
08:31:15 PM - So I think my feet got fat. They won't fit comfortably in my brown shoes anymore. Kind of screws up my 30 for 30
10:13:24 PM - @TheNewChrissy I only had them at a fancy conference.

You can find me as @smilincolleen on Twitter.

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