Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 8 - Pattern (3.22.11)

This is the end of round 1. I had a lot of issues trying to decide on a pattern. I finally decided to go with neutrals that aren't part of the rest of the color rotation. I always love this skirt yet I rarely wear it. I got it in 2005. I got the shirt in 10th grade. 
I realize the title of my challenge is odd since I added "pattern" to the mix.
While trying to decide what to wear I was going to branch out. Do either of the two purple shirts above go with the other shirt? I think they do but was scared.  You would only see the purple shirt a little bit too.
Poly did not want me to go to work and I did not want to wake up so it worked out for a little bit.
Eventually I got up and even picked out my clothes for the day. Poly sat on them. She knows how to get in my way the most. I moved her off twice and she ends up back on them.

My work day flew by. I did get a lot done but I got done only a fraction of what I wanted to get done.
I walked to building 1 w/o wearing a coat. That wasn't the best idea. It was 43 degrees.
I had a PB&J sandwich, a half PB sandwich, and an uncrustable for dinner. I ate some cheetos, a zebra cake, and some chips for dessert.
We watched House and Undercover Boss.
I went upstairs to do my stampin' up prep. First I put the mail on the bed while I put some stuff away that I carried upstairs. Poly immediately lied down on it.
 I paid my blood work bill and checked my email that it was 9:30 by the time I started planning for the class. At least it was very similar to a previous class so then It didn't take that long.
I found my watch that I thought was missing. It was on top of my dresser. I swear I looked there. Then Dave said he knew why I didn't see it before. He said Poly must have moved it.
After I prepped, I cropped some pictures and used photoshop. Next thing I knew it was 1AM.  At one point Poly came up and thought my keyboard would make a good bed. I slid the keyboard out and was still able to use it.
So I went too long without going to Body Pump. I woke up and was slightly sore. By the time the work day was over, I was completely sore. All the muscle groups Body Pump covers became sore.

That is 2 nights in a row I stayed up too late.
Does anyone notice a theme about how I wore this skirt over the past 5 (almost 6 years)?  I first wore it May 2005 according to my calendar site.  There are many missing days early in my calendar site so I may have worn it more.  Challenge = next time wear this skirt with some color. Too bad this skirt is out of the mix until Color Rotation Challenge is over since no repeating.


  1. Great skirt! I agree, it would be fun to see it pair with some color.

  2. Angeline, Thanks. Isn't it crazy how going back 5 years = all black tops?
