Thursday, October 6, 2011

October Workout Goals - Partial Week

Since I like my weeks to go from Monday to Sunday, I have a partial week here at the beginning with Saturday and Sunday.  Here's my progress.
  1. Perform yoga 2 times. (once every other week)
    1. 0 times
  2. Attend Body Pump 5 times. 
    1. 0 times
  3. Lift weights 2 times on my own.
    1. 0 times
  4. Complete 16 cardio workouts (running, classes at the gym, exercise bike, or elliptical)
    1. 10/2 run
    2. AHA walk (shouldn't count but I'll document it here and hope for 17 total at the end)
  5. Do 10 ab workouts (chiseled core, P90x core ab ripperx, Body Pump, or on my own)
    1. 10/2 - 5 minutes of abs on my own
  6. Quantity: Run 12 times. (that is 2-3 times a week)  - Stretch goal is to run 15 times. 
    1. 10/2
  7. Distance: Run 87 total miles (18 mi, 20 mi, 22 mi, 25 mi, 2 mi - 2 mile because it is 4 weeks and then couple days) (My previous best in 1 month was 75 miles in March 2011) - stretch goal: I would love to have 100 miles (22, 24, 26, 28) just to have hit 100 in a month would feel like a great accomplishment
    1. 11.5 miles (10/2)
Well the progress isn't looking too good but that is only for 2 days worth.

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