Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ella Stats

I forgot to include these in her monthly update.

These were all taken at home. There is one height that is a drop and that was taken standing before she could even really stand.  These are different than at the doctors. Just recently they measured her 2.5 inches shorter than I got at home!


  1. Height is always so hard to measure, even if you're consistent. I was upset when we switched to measuring Parker standing up because then he "lost" a couple of inches.

    1. We have taken 2 standing measurements but only marked 1 down. you can see the dip for that one time.

  2. I wonder why the doctor's office measures her so much shorter. How do you measure her height? Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I get variations like crazy.

    1. well they lie her down and use a pen and mark her head. then they go to her feet and mark that BUT in that time she squirmed 10 time sand her head is covering the pen mark by an inch or 2. then after i complained they rewrote the line.
      this time the 2 lines they had were over an inch apart and the amount they wrote down was LOWER than both. I'm so confused by that. like she wrote down 30 but the amount between their incorrect lines was 30.5 (I measured after she left the room)

      I measure in cm because it's easier to read quicker. Sometimes Ella's head is lined up at 1 cm or 2 cm and i don't try to move it and i just subtract. every now and then she squirms a lot and I get .5 or 1 cm lower than the previous time but I will try again the next day to see. Sometimes i think maybe a previous measurement is wrong. But this last time I got 83 cm on a few different days. I don't always enter the data into the app above if it's just a few days in a row.

    2. Also we are constantly seeing other kids and the parents are always saying how tall Ella is. I think the only kid she isn't taller than or even with is Gio who is 18 mo old (and maybe some 2+ year olds that we rarely see so I haven't seen them next to each other)
