Thursday, July 2, 2015


We ran in the morning.

We went to a park meetup. I organized it. The park was packed. I scheduled it 11-12:30 and we were even there until 1. Someone had a doll stroller there and it was a hit. I was so mad I forgot Ella's stroller. Everyone was fighting over it and somehow Ella always had it. At one point one kid pushed another kid down for it and Ella swooped in when they were both on the ground.   Once the park was less crowded, Ella went up the steps and walked across and went down the slide herself. She was so proud of herself, too.

I ended up getting Ella to nap in the crib so I got to do a workout video (Focus T25) and shower. I also ate 2 big plates of sesame chicken.  I ate my lunch at 4:30.  I made some videos of working out. They are silly but then I used a program to put them together. I got the program to do that. I didn't realize I trimmed my videos too short so next time I will do better.

I cooked chicken for dinner. I made chicken and had salad. The spicy ranch was the best part.  Ella ate a lot of the chicken. I was surprised. She got some cheese. She even ate lettuce.  I want to find a spicy ranch dressing but I never can. I found this one in one of those salad mix bags. I really want to find just the dressing. (Since then I have found one and then that same one has been in multiple stores. It says "Now Hotter" on it and it is way too spicy for me.)

Of course we had dinner late and Ella went to sleep late.

drinking and driving

my awful video


  1. Is Dave wearing a bow in that picture? Ha. I love the one of Ella pushing the stroller.

    1. He is
      I had a bunch of her pushing and just posted one. She had so much fun
