Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ella Says... (August 2017)

Here's another installment of Ella Says... Yet again I wish I documented more.


Me: Hey Ella today is Miles’s 11 month birthday.
Ella: Where’s his cake then?


Guy on workout says Shift Maker. Ella giggles and says "he said shit maker" (oops)


Ella made a huge mess playing with her soup then threw it. We cleaned up. I was doing some other stuff. She turned around to me "Mommy I'm sorry I made a mess before. I won't make a mess again"

Ella was upstairs I didn't know. I ask her what's up. She said "I'm making cards for my friends "


I was scrolling through old pics and some had Clara and Ella playing.
"I like Clara. Can we go visit her someday?"

I said someday. Then she said "i'll draw a map for us."

"Can I have pen and paper?"


Ella showing Dave what she drew.
Dave: Can you tell me what you drew?
Ella: a poop emoji

Trying to get Ella dressed. She's in the closet. She comes out to show me something.

Me: Ella hurry up and get dressed. We only have so much time.

Ella going back into the closet: I'm just relaxing in the closet.


Just asked Ella her favorite animal today
Ella: butterfly
Zebra too
The butterfly and the zebra were my favorite

I tried to carry Ella upstairs asleep. She said ”I'm not a baby. I will walk.“ So I failed at getting her upstairs asleep.


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