Friday, December 29, 2017

Piyo Deluxe: Full Body Blast

I'm following a mix match of workouts for 2 weeks to prepare for 80 Day Obsession.  Today was Piyo Deluxe: Full Body Blast.  I own the Piyo DVDs but had never done it.
Wow that workout was tough.Looking back at my video I messed up at the beginning and went back with my left leg both times and my right leg none. Oops. Somehow she said right or left when swapping to an angle and I did the leg she said but then it messed me up! I might be sore uneven now! My shoulders are sore from push-ups 2 days in a row. I had trouble doing the snow angles ones because my arms didn't want to go up so high at first. I didn't record time lapse today so then I had to spend extra time trying to edit. It's at 1.5 speed!

This would be a workout I could do anywhere with just my sliders. Some workouts require weights and bands and loops and sliders or a combination of that.

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