Wednesday, October 27, 2004

SmilingColl: i'm gonna write wendy's a letter based on tonight
SmilingColl: i'm waiting to c if it ruined my shirt

SmilingColl: we ordered
SmilingColl: they took 15 min
SmilingColl: then it was messed up
SmilingColl: but we pulled away
SmilingColl: we tried to tell them through the lobby but doors were locked and they ignored our knocking
SmilingColl: but when i looked to c if it was messed up the triple pb got wasn't really wrapped and slightly counting the burgers made it go all over my shirt
SmilingColl: mustard
SmilingColl: and then we tried to walk aroudn to tell them from wehre we parked
SmilingColl: well first the bag tore a little
SmilingColl: then walked aroudn it broke
SmilingColl: so pb had to scoop the stuff up
SmilingColl: they yelled at him and was like "i'm not remaking your stuff"
SmilingColl: and he tried to tell them our order and he kept walkign away
SmilingColl: then he got mad when pb didn't say the whole order at one time
SmilingColl: then we got it
SmilingColl: but they did give us the dropped burgers back cuz u can tell how the side is flattened and stuff
SmilingColl: but i didnt' go back to the window w/ pb butt hen they also messed up the guys order behind us
SmilingColl: then we went to taco bell and they were all good
SmilingColl: and ordered 24 bucks worth at taco bell
SmilingColl: and it took like 2 min

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