Saturday, December 10, 2005

wow was i tired this morning. my phoen rang at 8am and woke me up. i thought it might have been mike so i jumped out of bed. but it was raechel wanting me to work for her this morning. what part of me not working the weekend because i will be out of town didn't she understand. but then i couldnt fall back to sleep because i kept hearing my phone song. it was very annoying. then at 9:30 i tried to wake up again. i had to reset my alarm and that wans't fun. that's the only drawback for heart attack alarm.  but i ended up fnally waking up at 10:13.  and timmy just arrived so i better finish getting dressed.

1 comment:

  1. elcaminogirl (LiveJournal)December 10, 2005 at 2:09 AM

    I think I may invest in a heart attack alarm. It sounds like it does its job.
