Saturday, January 21, 2006


dave is now a diabetic and has high blood pressure.

i was out. he called 911 and then me.  he had chest pains pretty bad. they started thursday night but only when he did certain things.
but they cant' figure out what the chest pains are from cuz his heart tests were ok
that 4 hour ER visit wasn't fun. i was so tired. and kept waiting to hear stuff. i hope his dad's insurance doesnt realize he's graduated and then technically doesn't have insurance.

It was roughly 2:30 when he called me. 2:50 when he got ot Samaritan Hospital. 6:50 we finally got to leave. at 6:20 they finally gave him some medicine to try to help things. 

He has to go back in liek 3 days and they want him to see some other doctors too.

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