Wednesday, May 21, 2003


i just said that i felt like going to walmart then i said a little more and then i said well actually i dont feel like going to walmart. Therefore I am not going. I do need to get insoles for my work shoes though. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and my feet will surely hurt a lot. I am still very indecisive about whether or not to go to the funeral tomorrow. If I go, I would need a ride to the church and would also need to wear my dressy clothes to work in the morning. I don't really like churches yet i actually like them. I would not get paid to be there though and then it would cut down on my overtime but i feel bad and guilty if i don't go. if i go there might be things to be done and nobody to do them. This is quite a dilema. I have to be dropped off at work tomorrow so i'd have to bring my clothes in the building. o what to do what to do. It was odd having the day off work today. I slept through most of the day which made it odder.
i just renewed my swe membership. i think it's time to work on my scrapbook, but first i will take my clean-clothes-hamper upstairs so my mom doesn't kill me.


  1. rukkyg (LiveJournal)May 21, 2003 at 9:53 AM

    you should go to the funeral or you'll feel guilty

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)May 21, 2003 at 9:54 AM

    i have decided to go since the post
