Friday, May 16, 2003


i worked a wedding with melissa and michelle. they both drank alcohol while on duty. melissa hates me and it's obvious. steve's last day is sunday. i'm tired and i only worked a little over 6 hrs. i also had to steal some food while i was there because i was hungry. so no peggy and no gino. 2 managers are gone that were there at christmas. they replaced one of them w/ kathy, but kathy quit already. john swope(sp) is helping out a little now but he is also teaching. he used to be a full time manager back in the day. barb wasn't there and i probably won't see her for awhile. she owns the place. michelle told me her husband won't live through the weekend. her husband, jack, owns the place with her and he was diagnosed with cancer a little before christmas. o my is what i have to say. things ran smoothly while there even with the lack of managers. sunday john will be there for brunch but then we will be managerless again so michelle is going to play "manager."

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