Tuesday, August 29, 2006

i stopped at subway today and showed mallory my ring. she's busy now with school and work.


  1. kbredxiii (LiveJournal)August 30, 2006 at 1:02 AM

    Part of my dream last night was that I was replying to your LJ...

  2. tenroaches (LiveJournal)August 31, 2006 at 6:19 AM

    That sounds so dutch. Girls are stupit. You should be celebrating having a fiance, not having a ring. You should have taken PB in to show her him.

  3. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)August 31, 2006 at 6:24 AM

    I would have if PB would have gone. Also i didnt' just stop to show her the ring. that just ended up being a result of it. i stopped at subway to see if she was working since she didn't answer her phone and I was just in the area. i learned why she hadn't called me back. because she is busy with school and work. we're still going to get together but we talked about why we hadn't because of her business. i could have typed our whole conversation and everythign we talked about and how only 1/20 of the entire conversation was about the ring but then you would have also said girls were stupid. i thought showing somebody the ring was just like big news. mallory has also already met pb. she just hasn't since we've been engaged.

    you are so dutch. girls aren't stupid. guys are stupid not doing anything. just watching tv all the time and complaining about girls.

  4. elcaminogirl (LiveJournal)September 4, 2006 at 3:10 AM

    I completely agree. I'm a big fan of symbolism and an engagement ring is a huge symbol of love and marriage.

    Congrats, by the way!
