Saturday, October 14, 2006


i'm a tag and mood slacker. i was doing so well for awhile. pages are so boring without the mood on there.

my parents just left. they commented on how we have more food than them in our fridge. it's so poorly organized that just having three things seems like a lot. also i doubt 2 of them will get eatten.

i'm doing laundry now. i vacuumed the living room earlier. i was about to do the stairs when my parents showed up.

mallory is supposed to come over tomorrow. what are the chances she will? her visiting isn't the onlyr eason i'm cleaning. the vacuum has been out downstairs for days. i always do laundry on the weekends. but since she is supposed to come i figure it should look kind of nice for her. her mom cleans non-stop so she's always known clean house. she probably won't show though. she'll probably call and cancel.

oops i forgot to post this from about a half hour ago. now all i have left to vacuum one flight of stairs. i vacuumed the rest of the house.

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