Wednesday, May 5, 2004


the couch has been moved. it was heavy and a lot of work. gravester, adam, and jcal did most of the work. it took almost 2 full hours to move it. well counting the leaving and returning to BARH time.

i'm tired.... i haven't studied at all yet and i need to study so it's making me tired.

the new place sucks more and more. i want to take pictures. i wanted to take pictures of the couch moving. the L of the couch sticks out and makes things worse and have dead space. i don't think we have room to stash it anywhere though. maybe it can fit in a bedroom. i dont know where the computers will go. i think pb already claimed the bigger room for his futon. the smaller bedroom doesn't have a window it just has the door to the balcony thing.

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