Monday, January 26, 2009


my knee hurts so bad.


  1. iamoddd (LiveJournal)January 28, 2009 at 5:20 PM

    i can't even imagine. i'm so frustrated with mine and it's only hurt for a month.* i wish they'd hurry up with that fake cartilage business. :(

    *i was doing so good at not blowing off training, too. but now i'm on my 3rd day off and this is setting a very bad precedent. swimming doesn't even make it feel better. the other day it made a popping sound and there were shooting pains. i hate this. i don't know how you do it.

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)January 28, 2009 at 11:23 PM

    I don't have popping sounds. i have what feels like a knife stabbing me pains though.
