Friday, August 26, 2016

Baby Shower/Sprinkle (7.23.16)

A few months back a few friends offered to throw a joint sprinkle with 3 pregnant moms. But then some things fell through. They decided to throw individual sprinkles/showers instead.

About a dozen people came and celebrated. A few missed it for various reasons and some were sick and missed it at the last minute.  
Angie made a onesie for the baby and a T-shirt for Ella. She also made 2 props for photo booths.

They tied on a game and tied on the tie breaker. Then did rock paper scissors to see who actually won.

In the weeks prior my friend wanted to do games catering to me so she had me pull all kinds of data.  She wanted me to pull pictures of me with everyone at the shower but I don't have time for that or pictures with everyone so we didn't do it. I realized with the request that moms don't ever get pics together anyway. I have pictures of Ella with their kid but not me with them.  Or sometimes it's 1 mom + both kids but never both moms. Usually I'm not in it too because I take all the pictures.

The day before someone asks me my favorite kind of cake/icing. I didn't think anything of it and she made cupcakes for the shower with my favorite. A few people brought stuff to make it all so nice.

We started late because I got there late. (Dave's fault since we only have 1 car.)

It was so nice hanging out with people without kids arounds. Most of them I had never been around without kids. Some I might have been around without Ella but definitely not without their kids too.  Even when I do a moms night in at my house Ella is there so then I'm not hanging out with them without kids.

We took a couple group pictures at various times trying to make sure we got everyone. I took my good camera so then some of my friends took the camera and took pictures at different times knowing that I like pictures.
Everyone knows I'm obsessed with numbers so the first game was all about numbers. Instead of fill in the blank they did multiple choice.  I already had some things calculated like miles run this pregnancy but others I had to calculate. (Weight gain was 1 week out of date. I said I updated all the numbers but forgot to do that one. It should have been 34)
The next game had printed pictures of my weekly pregnancy photos and people had to put them in order! A hint was moving so they at least had pre-move and post-move. I think the winning group got 14 or 15 right.  The pictures were from weeks 4 through 33!

The third game was pin the jogging stroller on the runner using my running silhouette.

Some people got together on a bigger group gift and some gifts were individual. It didn't take that long to open everything but we were still done after the end time on the evite invitation.

This picture was as I was opening gifts. I wonder what made everyone so happy.
I set a timer and ran over for this group picture and it just so happens the belly is perfectly visible!
They also made me a guestbook.  Everyone signed it.

Divya printed ultrasound pictures and then we used one at the maternity photo shoot.

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