Sunday, November 27, 2016


I slept horribly. Ella wanting to wear big girl undies was stressful for me. I kept thinking she was coming in all wet from peeing the bed. I even jumped out of bed twice.  Ella slept until 6:30 and came and told me she was cold. She had peed the bed but insisted she didn't and she was just cold.  She wouldn't go back to sleep though so we were up and it was a long morning.  I did laundry and showered and set up with tables and chairs for a meetup that started at 10:30. Oh I also cut a ton of strawberries into small pieces which was quite time consuming.

Kids were so excited to make ice cream sundaes. We didn't get them out until some started with lunch.  The meetup went from 16 to 6 over a couple days.  It was so hot and sunny that I was dying.  I felt so bad someone was ringing the front door bell and I didn't hear from outside.  It was a dad who brought his daughter since mom just had a baby 9 days ago!  I posted it on a 2nd meetup group and she was the only one from that group. Kids sure love maraschino cherries.  I think my favorite part was when someone asked what happened to the bowl of cherries so we looked around and Ella had them and she was sitting at the table eating from the bowl. She left her ice cream bowl right on the table with all the toppings!  No my favorite part was when I thought we'd set the toppings on the table and kids would go assembly line through. Instead they swarmed around the table and just wanted it all!
Ella got her late birthday present! She loved it.

A few stayed back to help clean up and Ella was so tired. She was so tired she wasn't being very nice.  Then she went to close the door to the backdoor and got Sofi's fingers stuck in it. She cried a lot. 3 fingers got in the door :( :( :(   After everyone left, Ella was crying to go in the swing but I still had some stuff to carry in. Then I went and pushed her on the swing.

Little Miss Ella fell asleep on the swing!!!! Then she napped almost 4.5 hours.  I did so much stuff on my computer planning events, sharing pictures from events, and chatting it up with people.

Ella and I snacked when she woke up. Then did a google hangout with my mom. We watched some gymnastics on TV (recorded from a week or so ago).  Then Dave got home. I said he was bringing burgers because that's all he told me. As soon as I said he was home Ella said she got a milkshake. She actually did. I was surprised.  Dave got 2 so I actually got one!

Ella watched her iPad until it died. Then she played in bed hiding under our covers.   Before I knew it, it was after 10 PM.

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