Monday, December 22, 2003


chesterfields is so stupid. i was not on the schedule today so all the punching in and out was them. they punched me in when i was at home for 2.73 hours today. they also punhced me in as a banquet server tonight when i even specifically said it had to be server. i even got a second manager to fix it.

btw i am supposed to work tomorrow and i'm not and i still work wed of this week. and so far on my time sheet i'm at 39.95 hours.

i want a big long hug from dave and i can't have one.

1 comment:

  1. mags114 (LiveJournal)December 22, 2003 at 1:43 PM

    aawww...poor colleen. try not too be too lonely... hangout with friends and such.. dont work too hard.. missing you lots~mags
