Wednesday, February 6, 2008


last night: power went out and broke my power cord for my laptop. it was in a power strip/surge protector but it still broke it

today: i woke up and thought i should take a vacation day. i didn't.
dave thought we should drive separately because he said he didn't want to work late and knew i would (i disagreed with him and told him i wouldn't)
then my computer is super slow and retarded the third day in a row. word crashes multiple times.
my computer just hated me.
adobe would quit responding
other times adobe just magically closed
i tried to use excel and type in equations. those equations would work but dragging the equation dragged the letters and numbers for the equation but the answers weren't actually answers. i spent forever trying to fix that. then i decided to save even though i thought that would mess things up since i had been using the file previously. well saving it magically made all the cells with equations work correctly. too bad i wasted half hour on 2 min of work.
then word crashed again
then what do you know when adobe is breaking again i accidentally click no to save a recovered file. well bye bye 2 days worth of work.
it also took me 4 hours today to do 10 minutes worth of updating 2 word files and making 2 PDFs.

so i didn't start redoing my 2 days worth fo work yet. it should be quicker this time since i already kind of know where in the documents i looked for certain inputs. but i still worked 1:45 extra tonight. even if ididn't lose 2 days worth of working printing the pdfs still wasted more time than the extra time that i worked

update: i forgot to mention that i was not receiving all e-mails. i only learned at the end of the day when someone asked me about it. he had sent me 3. i didn't get any.

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