Friday, April 6, 2012


Cardigan and Shirt: Express
Skirt: F21
Shoes: Aldo
Necklace: Charlotte Russe
Bracelet: Target

I slept in again. Changing the clocks is rough. When I say sleep in I mean that I hit snooze and slept later than I wanted to. I still got to work before everyone in my area.

I was busy at work. What else is new?
After work I met Jen. We met with a photographer.  Then after that we went and ran and took pictures than people take in a year (or maybe a lifetime).
Jen even got a couple kind of showing my leg muscle. By the time you crop them, the quality isn't that good.  Next time we have to use my better camera.
When I got home, I ate dinner and watched American Idol.  After that I went to photo editing and it took forever to upload everything and make some edits. Heck it took forever just to look through all 1499 photos.

I was only up a little past 12:30 though.


  1. Wait until you have children. 1499 photos is just a normal day over here ;)

    1. Haha. Do you save all the pictures you take?

    2. Yep! I back up the good ones to photobucket and facebook. And every once in awhile I do an all photo backup with my portable hard drive. I just can't bear to delete the pictures of him, even if they're bad. :-/

    3. I don't delete any ever either. I don't back things up as often as I should but my memory cards actually upload to the eye-fi server so I have everything for the past few years. I have just never backed up my collages. I have uploaded them to picasa but on picasa the max dimension is 1600 instead of the HUGE files.
