Wednesday, February 18, 2015

6 Month Photo Book

I actually did 3 variations of this book since I said I make them as gifts.  I have such a hard time trying to figure out how to write the journaling portion when I make them as gifts so mostly I just write how I would for a blog. Sometimes I don't and then it is all weird.

In case you are wondering I was going to make 1 book with months 4-6 but then I kept hitting the page limit. I would reduce and put more pictures on a page but was constantly maxing out then I maxed out on the number of pictures you can include on Shutterfly.  These were supposed to be Christmas gifts but I was very behind. By Christmas eve I only had 42 pages complete on the 4 month book.  On January 6, I finished the 4 month book. I would continue to add pictures before finalizing older dates so I when I was on page 7 of the 6 month book I still hadn't finished reorganizing the month 5 book. On January 20, I finished the month 5 book. On January 25 I finished the month 6 book.   I was more than a month late since shipping takes about 2 weeks!

I take far too many pictures. I didn't have them organized well so I went through and made a new folder for each date with the word favorites at the end of the title. Then I'd upload those to shutterfly one date at a time since some pictures don't have the date information and are put at the end.  Then I would go and rearrange and put about 10 per page instead of their 2 or 4 or whatever low number they suggest.  What made it even more difficult is that my desktop mouse doesn't seem to work right so I can't click and drag the pictures. So I create my favorites folders then upload on my desktop. Then I use my standing desk in the living room to reorganize. I reorganize while "watching" TV.  I would say that on average I spent 2 hours a day working on this from the first week of December until I finished.  There were a few days I stayed up until 2 AM just because I was on a roll and able to work without Ella bothering me!

There were days where I only took 300 pictures and I actually rather enjoyed those! 1200 picture days and a lot with my DSLR made it so hard to choose!  Dave thinks I put too many pictures in. He thinks I should have 1 book per year not 1 book per month!

Create a gorgeous, high quality wedding photo album at


  1. Replies
    1. Did you notice that month 5 had more text than month 4 and month 6 had the most?

    2. Yes I liked the text. It's nice to be able to remember stuff later on, too.

    3. I prefer all the wording. But it takes more time and initially I didn't know Id be so late with the gifts
