Sunday, October 23, 2016

Miles's 6th Week (10.22.16)

Miles has been a little better in the car this week.

Amanda, Jai, and Esha came to visit on Monday and play a little.  We went to dinner at Maie's and Susu's on Tuesday. That was a bit overwhelming with 10 adults and 10 kids there!
Monday I went to Safeway with Miles while Ella was at school.

Thursday Miles and I went to the doctors for me, gas station, and Target. He was awake and content in Target. I was shocked.
Friday we walked to the park using the new double stroller and then Hilary visited for a few hours.
Saturday we went to the mom group Fall Social. Miles slept the entire time.   I feel like we don't do anything but it seems like we do.

I've tried numerous carriers this week and he complains and cries in them most of the time. The only one that has worked some of the time is the Ergo.

He had a few good nights and a few bad nights with sleep. Two of the days this week he was eating non stop and that was not fun for me. Most days his naps are super short at home but then when Dave is here, he seems to nap longer so it seems easier!
He still doesn't like it when I put him in the monkey bouncer.  He is OK in the swings half the time and the other half hates it.  He likes to be held up high on a shoulder so he can see up off the back. My arm gets sore holding him like this while I eat but it's better than having him cry.

We started using the Halo Sleep Sack that isn't a swaddle + special snuggle wings to get his arms secure and then a blanket sort of swaddled around all that.  The newborn Halo Swaddle sleep sack was too small and the one that was one size up was just a little big or weird and he'd always break out of it usually from the bottom and then he was waking up too early.
I do tummy time way less than I did with Ella because getting down to the floor is really difficult for me. I do sort of tummy time on the bed or couches or leaning on me in bed but I don't think that counts.  He doesn't cry during tummy time. Sometimes he just gets sick of it and rests his head down (on the side of his head) and just chills there.

Miles is content a lot when I just lie him down on the bed, floor, or couch. He likes to look around. He's held a few toys but doesn't really care.   He hates going into his carseat but if he's tired he at least stops crying and chills in there away. He doesn't really fall asleep but at least he's quiet.  He's getting better at sleeping longer at night but that first stretch where he sleeps over 5 hours I'll still be up for 3 hours with Ella. I am not a fan! Days he's not swaddled well in the morning he'll last 5 minutes in his crib for his last segment of sleep but he'll sleep more than an hour if I'm holding him so it's like he's swaddled. He's had a couple good swaddles and he lasted over an hour at that stretch in the crib. It's so hard to get a good swaddle sometimes though.


  1. Try the woombie swaddler. It's the best they can't escape from it.

    I love his skeleton jammies.

    1. I thought I looked into those and the zipper didn't finish closing at the bottom so I thought I'd have to take him too much out of it for the diaper changes in the middle of the night but maybe I'm wrong.
      The snugglewings (that we call a straight jacket) were purchased for Ella because she was too hot and you couldn't have her legs covered at all.

    2. The skeleton PJs were borrowed from a friend. We also borrowed a legit bat costume but he hasn't worn that yet.
