Monday, July 3, 2017


I was thinking about this recently and decided to do a blog post about it.  A few months ago, Ella was in preschool 3 days a week and I was home with Miles on those days and then was with both kids on other days.  I was still struggling to be productive. The house was often a mess. I was not getting a lot of sleep. All my free time was spent cleaning.  Yet the kitchen was still almost always a total disaster. I'd want to shower and not end up getting my shower for 2 more days.  I would often tell people how I did not know how moms did it without having preschool for 1 of the kids.

Fast forward a few months.
Here I am with Ella home everyday because we have not found a preschool yet.  The house is bigger.  Here's the thing. I am keeping it much cleaner than I was.  Ella is not napping. She was before.  Miles is waking up a lot in the night just like he was before.  I'm getting much less sleep. I'm not getting any time for myself. I'm cleaning the kitchen nightly and it's making me happier. But then I am not doing as much fun stuff with Ella as I used to. We barely go to the park. We barely cook. At least she crafts a decent amount now. She uses her iPad a lot. I can't do any more than I'm doing unless less than 4 hours of sleep a night happens. Right now I get 4.5-5.5 every night.

I used to say that moms just did it because they had to. No preschool and moms just did it.  Preschool a few days a week and the moms still do it. There just isn't enough time in the day.   Before I thought I couldn't do more. But then when more needed to be done, I did it. I feel that is what moms tend to do. You power through because you have to.  I just wish there wasn't the mom guilt too.

This same thing can be for dads and not having enough time in the day. I just wrote it about moms since that's me!
The kitchen can be totally clean at 10 AM and a total disaster by 10 PM. It's exhausting.
This was after I was already cleaning for 20 min.
I couldn't have a post without pictures so I threw some in!


  1. I try to keep our house clean during the week but it's so hard because I'm at work all day and then come home to a mess that I wasn't even there to make. As soon as we get home from work it's dinner then bedtime routine and we're lucky if we get half an hour to play with the kids. Then we're so tired once they're asleep we don't clean. Or we do clean and then we don't spend time with each other or for ourselves. It sucks.

    1. Yes. I don't spend any time with Dave anymore. But then when I come down to breakfast and there is actually room to put new food on the table or room to cut fruit, I'm much happier.
