Thursday, September 1, 2005


So instead of doing my homework due at 4 i thought i needed to catch up on LJ reading.  I still have about 6 left but I think i must get to doing other stuff.
I bit/broke off all my finger nails. They were long and pretty 2 weeks ago.
I dont seem to like my classes already. It's low humidity today so I tested out my new hot rollers. I dont think they curl very much but the same level as at home.  There's still spts taht have the crimped look from my perm. 

I wish all this junk was put away so i coudl focus on my studies instead of constantly cleaning up/picking up.  I want my laser printer hooked up. I think I'm going to temporarly put it on the floor and plug it into my computer. I still need to isntal it on this one.

This morning Dave was checking the delivery status of his new desktop since his desktop broke and then his laptop froze up and he held down teh power button and now it wont turn on or anything.  So two of his computers broke.  And Shady broke this summer.

Please note that I used some capital letters if nto all fo them where they should be in this post, that i used a subject, and that i put a mood.  If only I was listening to music I could go all out.


  1. rukkyg (LiveJournal)September 1, 2005 at 9:22 AM

    Your LJ reads like Flowers for Algernon.

  2. russsss (LiveJournal)September 3, 2005 at 4:01 AM

    Isn't that about a mentally challenged kid with a pet rat?

    I'm confused as to what you mean by your comment...

  3. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)September 3, 2005 at 4:09 AM

    I asked him and he said i have to read it to find out. I have no idea what the books is about.

  4. russsss (LiveJournal)September 3, 2005 at 4:24 AM

    IIRC, the plot of the book is about a mentally challenged kid with a very smart rat, and the kid wants to learn how to become smarter by studying the rat. I don't remember much more about the plot, or how it ended.

    Maybe it's the way the book is written. Random thoughts written throughout the book, just as your post has random thoughts.

    I would hope he's not somehow comparing your post plot-wise, but rather the method of writing used.

  5. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)September 3, 2005 at 4:27 AM

    I assumed it was the method of writing but wasn't sure.
