Sunday, September 11, 2005


freakign weird time at the hut tonight. s hort handed and busier than we've been in awhile.

Tonight was awful.  Well I was scheduled 2-8.  But Alli was sick so they wanted to send her home.  She just had her appendix out. But they needed someone to cover her production shift.  They couldn’t find anyone. They wanted me to do production so Alli could go home but I didn't want to do that and make like nothing.  So we made a deal that Ryan the closing server would go into the back since he’s not a strong server and he’s pretty decent at production.  So then I was serving myself.  Lately we haven’t been to busy.  Well tonight was different. I had about 13 tables max at one point.  For a 2 hour span I had 10 tables minimum and I was answering the phone and taking orders because the new workers weren’t doing it.  Well the 2 new guys working kept messing up my orders and taking forever and I think Ryan was bitter about going into the back and so he kept standing around doing nothing while one of the new guys was making millions of orders and getting way behind.  Then a table comes in 10 minutes before we close. They were rude from the start about waiting to be seated (and by waiting I mean waiting the 3 seconds while I put down my tray to seat them).  They were so mean and rude and complained about everything.  Then I was done with all my side work and they didn’t leave.  I was there until 10.  If it wasn’t for them I would have been done by about 9:20.  These rude people were in their early 20s.  Usually rude people are old and it’s more expected.  I kept trying to hurry them along.  They didn’t’ leave until 10:10.  I even asked the manager at one point if I could leave and they would clean up after the table.  The manager said yes but I ended up staying wondering what tip I would get out of them.  I got a 12% tip ($3).  At one point they asked if we were closed.  A little later they asked if I was waiting to leave.  (These were shortly before they left.)

Also the old general manager’s wife, kids, and boyfriend were there tonight.  The kids were loud.  My table also complained about them.  But then later the old GM came in to ask if they were there and to see how that went.  He’s still living w/ this wife though.  It’s crazy.

On top of that it's the 6th time I've worked since i came back and it's the 6th different way I wore my hair.


  1. russsss (LiveJournal)September 12, 2005 at 9:22 AM

    I assume it has something to do with being 9/11. I overheard a few people talking about plans for that day (not like "what are you doing on sunday?" but more like "what are you doing on 9/11?").

    Also, maybe sunday was the first game day for one or more of the new york football teams and the people were going out to celebrate a victory, or were just hungry after a loss.

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)September 12, 2005 at 10:00 AM

    it was busy from 5-7 so i dont know what that corresponds with. no big groups came in either.
