Thursday, February 6, 2020

Would You Rather: Running Edition 2

In 2014 I made a post like this. Then I started a draft post to do a 2nd one. I never did that. I was just looking at my 152 draft posts and decided to see if I wanted to do any old ones.  I got these questions from Hungry Runner Girl.

1. Would you rather come across a snake or a rat while out for a run?
Rat. I have seen a rat and never seen a snake so I guess a snake is scarier.

2. Would you rather have to run for the next 6 months without a GPS watch or without your music?
I have never run with music so I'd go without music. If I don't run with my GPS did it even happen?!

3. Would you rather have the first half of your run be uphill or the second half of your run be uphill?
I'd rather run the first half uphill while I'm fresh.

4. Would you rather run your next 5 miler without shoes or without a sports bra?
This is horrible. I would never run ever without shoes. I don't even walk across my house without shoes. But I'm currently nursing and I couldn't run without a bra. But I would suck it up and run without a bra.

5. Would you rather explore a new area that you have never been to before for your next run or stick to your normal favorite running loop?
I run faster when I know the route so I'd rather stick to a favorite running loop.

7. Would you rather never have to stretch again after a run or never have to do core work again in order to stay injury free?
I'd rather never do core work again. It sucks.  I barely stretch but core work is more challenging and I notice lots of issues with lack of core strength.

8. Would you rather run with a blister on your foot or run with a side cramp?
These seem awful. I have run with a blister and have run with a side cramp. I guess if I had to go far I'd choose the side cramp.

9. Would you rather get a brand new pair of running shoes for free or get a brand new running outfit for free?
I would rather get shoes for free.

10. Would you rather do a huge race with spectators all along the course or do a small race without all of the extra stress of a big race?
I like small races. You don't have to get there as early. It doesn't waste as much time. It doesn't feel as stressful either. 

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