Sunday, April 26, 2020

Liam 12 Month Update

I took his weight on the right day but the height and weight the next day. Pictures went smoothly this time. He didn't smile a lot but he was good.
  • Weight: 22 lb 1 oz - 63rd percentile
  • Height: 32.5" - 99.8th percentile
  • Head Circumference: 46.5 cm - 63rd percentile
  • Weight/Length Percentile: 15%
  • Diapers: Size 3
  • Clothing: 18 month clothing. 
  • Shoe Size: I haven't tried shoes on him in awhile but maybe still size 5
  • Teeth: 8
(stats using WHO)
Sleep is less awful. He will sleep 3-4 hours at night for his first stretch. Sometimes I have issues getting him in the crib and other times I just fall asleep.  I'd say I sleep about an hour in my bed and hold him the rest. Sometimes I have failed crib transfers and other times I fall asleep and don't try. He won't nap in the crib either. This month he switched from 2 naps to 1 nap. He starts his 1 nap right after lunch. I nurse him and he naps on me.

Liam nurses before and after naps, in the morning, before bed, and many times throughout the night. Since going to one nap sometimes near 4 or 5 he wants to nurse a little.  He will eat 2-3 times in the high chair everyday.  I wish I had more things to feed him. He's actually pretty picky with his food. Also there are times he doesn't want to go in the high chair and instead of having him scream, I let him hold something and eat it on the floor and then play hopefully. He sometimes tricks me into holding him just so he won't scream and cry.
Sample Schedule:
It's still insane to have a sample schedule.  He nurses every time before he falls asleep and when he wakes up. He will have food when I everyone eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  He started the month taking 2 naps but takes 1 nap now.

He starts bedtime near 7:30 and wakes up 3-6 times in a night. He wakes up near 7 am for good. He will nap once a day.  He will nap on me for 90 minutes or 3 hours or until the kids wake us up. He will nap max 20 minutes in the crib if I get him into the crib. I try often.

His nap starts right after lunch time.
Special Moments:
On March 17, we attempted CIO but it failed.  Then after midnight when he woke up, we tried again after a crib fail. I gave up after 10 minutes.
On March 19, at 3:18 AM Liam cried and went back to sleep on own.  At 1 PM, we were all seen at the respiratory clinic. Liam had an ear infection.
On March 21, maybe he officially swapped to 1 nap a day. He failed a crib transfer, and cried, but then I gave up.
On March 22, he pulls up to standing a lot.
On March 23,  at 2:46 AM, he has been awake 1.5 hours and then I put him in his crib awake. He climbed up on pink chair, then to standing to reach over and steal an M &M.
On March 25, he tumbled off the bed.
On March 26, Liam painted for the first time. He signed more for more food and also has been signing all day for awhile.
On March 30, he has a diaper rash. (it lasted a few days.
On March 31, Liam clapped.
On April 3, Liam slept all night. He clapped a few times. He  said “what’s this?” He woke up and went back to sleep near 10 PM. He moved all around and only cried lightly twice. It took him 12 minutes to go back to sleep.
On April 4, while nursing before bed, Liam sat up and started messing with the fan. I thought he was just being annoying. But he wanted it to blow on him and then he was good.
On April 5, Liam shakes head no. Has for a few days.
On April 6, Liam just got off bed feet first on his own as I was feet away
On April 11, I noticed he got his 8th tooth. But it’s up a lot. So he’s had it a few weeks at least and I just didn't notice.
On April 13, he discovered kicking while he sits
On April 14, I noted he's a pro at walking holding on to dining table. Walking to side of it while on booth.
Liam stands holding on for a long time. He started the month whining needing help going back to sitting but now he can do it. He became consistent drinking out of a straw. He learned to clap.   He clearly understands more rooms. He tolerated the pack n play more (but only when Dave or Ella put him in it).

He says "stop" when the google timer goes off and it sounds similar enough that google actually stopped the timer.  He will shake his head no but I don't think he's nodded yet.  He has pointed at something but I think only once.
Other Tidbits:
He loves to take a bath.
He likes to play outside.
He likes to ride in his red car or tricycle.
He loves going for walks.
He likes his pack n play (but only when Dave or Ella put him in).
He likes it when people make him laugh.
He likes to touch and feel Daddy's hair.
He likes to grab for wipes and medicine bottles.
He likes to take kleenexes and rip them apart.
He likes to crawl down the hall and take shoes off the shoe rack.
He likes to crawl and get to Poly's food and dump it out.
He likes to grab the door stopper things and pull off the white part and put it in his mouth.
He likes turning on and off his lamp in his room.

He especially doesn't like to nurse if I'm talking.
He doesn't want to be held by anyone but me if he's tired. You also better not put him down.
He doesn't like to nurse with distractions (a distraction is a lamp on the nightstand or a fan on the nightstand aka anything is a distraction)
He doesn't like to nap in his crib.
He doesn't like to be brought inside. He wants to stay outside forever.
He hates if he's crawling towards you and you change directions or walk away from him.

Fun Facts
Longest time sleeping: 12 hours 26 minutes
Days with a sleep greater than 5 hours: 16  These are a little deceiving because they are actually worse. If he was asleep on me sometimes I'd nurse in the middle and not really mark that he woke up.
Days with a sleep greater than 6 hours: 12
(According to the internet sleeping through the night is considered sleeping 5-6 straight hours.)
Days with sleep greater than 8 hours: 8
Diapers used (from April 1-14): 4 per day
Time spent nursing (from April 1-14): 5 hours 25 minutes per day
Time spent sleeping (from April 1-14): 12 hours 244 minutes per day
Doctor Visits: 1
Illnesses: 1 (the end of the cold counted last month and then an ear infection)
How Miles can hold Liam
Favorite Toys
Doc McStuffins car
red car
Things that are not toys!
ipod music thing
ball shooting thing

Favorite Songs

Favorite Books
none yet (He's loves books but doesn't seem to have a favorite)
Other Tidbits
Liam still drools an insane amount. His patches on his skin are getting worse from wet fabric sitting on it. I try to change the bibs and clothes so often but I am failing. I have tried a few creams or lotions and nothing seems to clear it up because he's just always drooling.   He is so clingy. I have had to hold him almost all waking hours and also while sleeping all but 1-2 hours a day for the past few weeks. It is rough.  I went back to the sleep sack and scratch sleeves all the time because sleep is just a little bit better even though it is awful.
My Recovery
My back got better then worse when I quit going to PT. and continued to get worse.  I didn't go to PT since the kids and Dave were sick.  Carrying Liam ALL the time is not helping. I gained 5 lbs this month. I'm above what I weighed when I went to the hospital to have Liam. 

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