Sunday, November 22, 2020

11/20/20 instastories

My slept in bun isn't that bad. Brushing and doing my hair is a challenge. Miles, Liam, and I played so many games. Liam lost so many pieces of games though. Dave got school lunch and they had extra stuff to cover the weekend. Liam likes to use the ipad. He puts on headphones around his neck thinking that's how it's done. He's always so proud of himself. Folding laundry sucks with my arm. I decided to time lapse record my attempts. It was annoying. Then it got worse when I had to hold Liam.   Liam likes to stand up on his chair at the table instead of just sitting at it. 4 connect pieces are missing from today.   My bun is so messed up by the end of the day. I tried to take a picture of my elbow. I couldn't seem to get it in focus but it was at least something. 1 more active day and I complete another step bet. This one I'll make about 8 bucks. (I initially picked recovery and maintainer games instead of increased goals because my hip was bad. That got better and my arm got worse.)

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