Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Running Numbers

I wasted so much of my day getting old data just for fun. My friend's running app will tell her how long she's spent running for the year and her average pace. Mine didn't do that so I decided to calculate it out. So I've had it for 2021. Well yesterday I decided to calculate it out for my old data.  Also I have learned you do get some totals on on the web browser but I didn't have a Garmin back in 2009. I used a Garmin in 2017 and 2018 but it didn't upload to my computer. I only used mapmyrun in 2019.  I found some totals within Garmin for monthly totals but I can't even figure out how to do it again. (Garmin Connect > Calendar and then at the bottom it has stats.) 

Some notes: In 2010 I have had missing data for years. I only had about 303 miles documented in my summary by month sheet. I just lost a few months of data. Well today I went back through my blog and mapmyrun and got it. Actually I got a total of 335 miles so the total time and pace is for that (the division is for 335 but I left 330.25 there  in this chart since that's the total I went with forever. So maybe I need to go back through the data and fix something. 

I had knee surgery in 2009 and then ran my first run in April of 2009. I got a Garmin in 2011. I got a smart phone in 2010. Prior to that I documented pen and paper and just used a timer on my phone and knew how big the loop was that I ran.  I got pregnant in 2013 and was so lightheaded that I couldn't run.  2016 I got pregnant and was so lightheaded and sick but also ran once a week with the mom running group. But then I had Liam and hurt my knee and then I wen to 9 months of PT and still had issues so my miles were low. In June 2018, we moved back to CA and I ran more until I got pregnant again. I had back pain again so didn't get to easily run after giving birth either.  In 2015 I ran with others and ran so many miles. I used to run with a stroller but I keep getting injured and have been told not to run with a stroller so I stopped doing that in 2020. Well I stopped doing it and got better then I ran again with a stroller and got injured again so stopped.   I don't know if my speed will ever come back. I thought it wouldn't in 2018 but it was improving so much before I had to stop. Also poor air quality affect running for about a month a year nowadays. 

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