Wednesday, August 18, 2004


the landlord came and gave me my money from yesterday and also gave me the knob for the a/c.  it was in his pocket.  after he had me hunting for it for liek half hr that day.  it jumped in his pocket the whole time.  he's crazy.

i learned that the landlord brought the new garbage cans down and that they aren't the new tenants. so now i will use them cuz they aren't disgusting like the broken ones i've been using.
and he wants to know if the neighbors junk in their yard is trash cuz he wants to take it.  the landlord wants to buy that house.  he said cuz of the people coming and going and stuff.  but i think he means cuz they are black and have kids that were putting thigns on a garbage can to try to climb into the window. 

1 comment:

  1. rukkyg (LiveJournal)August 18, 2004 at 3:26 AM

    Our landlord is such a republican.
