Thursday, February 3, 2005

belts and stuff

today i get to wear my pink belt. only if i had opportunities to wear this more often.  i wish i had more belts like this in other colors. everywhere i go i've been looking for belts and i never like any of the ones they have.  How does everyone find all those nice ones.  too bad i won't be seeing gravester today.  he always enjoys when i wear pink especially my belt.

i'm a slacker at actually doing what i want to do so tonight i have to start and finish mechanisms and start and finish engineering econ.  i always hope to have it started earlier incase i have questions.  i need to do laundry tonight to wash my work clothes. i work friday 5-9, saturday 12-8, sunday 12:30-9:30. i'll have a nice nonexistant weekend. but i dont have any work to do over the weekend. all my classes work it out so there isn't any. for forensic psych we dont even know who we will be profiling until tuesday and then it's due friday.

1 comment:

  1. rukkyg (LiveJournal)February 3, 2005 at 2:37 AM

    You are too scared to ask fo rhelp anyway because you don't talk to people.
