Tuesday, February 22, 2005

it's quite a shame that i didn't start studying for EMD. i'm gonna die. I also didn't start studying for Mechanisms. I also have to do laundry either tomorrow or Thursday. I also have homework due Friday. I am also not in the best of moods this week so it makes it really hard to get motivated. Just kill me now.


  1. tenroaches (LiveJournal)February 22, 2005 at 5:23 PM

    I know how that is. What gets my goat: class quiz average: 75%. The professor said he expected a 75% average on the test. Then laughed because he didn't think it would happen. I got an 87.5% on the test. But the quizzes still count as more. The test counts as two quizzes. So I still only have a 65% average (3 quizzes). Wow. I didn't realize that. I thought I was in good shape. Now I hate it again.

  2. rukkyg (LiveJournal)February 24, 2005 at 3:09 AM

    OK, but I get your stuff.
