Wednesday, April 27, 2005


so i figured it out. if i spend the minimum amount of time I think my hw will take (and w/ making my project kinda crappy and and not having it done for the resentation, I can get away w/ only doing 14 hours worth of work. I thought "o only 14 hours that's good" then realized I only have the rest of tonight and then tomorrow after class. so 4hours max tonight and then tomorrow 4pm on and i'll need food then. and i present at 10am so i should be asleep before 2. and if i go to sleep at 2 then that's 14 hours but no time for food. ooo that's even worse than i thought.

and really i should take about 15 more hours for mechansims 5 for psych, and 3 for econ and more than an hour for msl (msl is due tomorrow) and an hr for msl was counted in my before friday time.

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