Saturday, March 1, 2008

Murphy's law

today so many things went wrong. i can't even remember them all.

i tried to print pictures from Monica's shower and it says they printed but they didn't. i had to leave so i couldn't fix it.
then i get the mail. i get my spending account card and it says to activate it by calling the number on the sticker on the front of the card. there is no sticker
the fries at wendy's weren't the goodness they usually are, they were raw and greasy and just overall yuck.
then my aunt made a cake and it was red devil's food. i dont' like red devil's food. sigh
then we missed the beginning of SNL to see the nice political skit
then i got pulled over in trafford for going 36 in teh 25 and i was even thinking about getting pulled over seconds before it because i was riding the break the whole way and still wasnt' down to speed even though i've never seen a cop there. i didn't get a ticket though

there was more. i'll type later. oh all that stuff i typed above was since 5pm today.

1 comment:

  1. tenroaches (LiveJournal)March 11, 2008 at 9:56 AM

    I got pulled over going 80 in a 65. No ticket for me either.
