Today we met at 6am to run. Man 6am is far too early. It is still dark for crying out loud. Kelly and I had plans to run and then she invited April. We met at our usual spot. We ran clockwise today. It is the way that April and Kelly usually run. I enjoy the other way better. Their way you can pick up speed a lot more at the end and push it. We ran the big hill instead of cutting through the boathouse. Before we started, I decided we should aim for 9:30 miles. They agreed to the pace before I knew we'd be running the big hill and we still beat our goal. We should have completed it in 47:30.
Cutting through the boathouse is longer but most people think it is shorter. The uphill is harder but the downhill is easier so I think it's a wash. I just don't like that it is less than 5. We had to run past the bend a bit to get to a full 5 miles.
We had the ability to talk the entire way. We just didn't talk the last mile when we were pushing it. Our speed + continuous talking gives me so much confidence.
Kelly said our goal should be to run the loop in 42 minutes. I think about 44:30 is my fastest but maybe 44:45. We'll see if we can make it to 42 minutes by the fall. I will feel accomplished if I do that. Do you think I can do it?
We booked it at the end. It was downhill so much easier to pick up speed. It was around 7:30 pace but faster at some points.
I really think the 3 hill repeats I did Sunday at Norwin have helped me the past 2 runs. It is amazing... Amazing how hill repeats help or amazing how it's all in my head that hill repeats work. Either way it is amazing.
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