shirt: F21, cardigan: Kohl's, pants: VS, shos: Kohl's, necklace: Sears

These are the pants that I haven't been able to wear recently. I mean they still didn't fit the best but it was better than normal. These pants I wore easily pre-knee surgery and now the button and button hole aren't near each other without some effort. At least with effort they finally got buttoned and I could sit in them without pain. I still have more pants that do not fit. I need to buy new pants. I can't believe how so many pairs of my pants don't fit any more. The last time my pants didn't fit me and I had to buy new was in December 2002. There may have been other times in my life but I had looser clothes or just pants in many different sizes. I can run further than I could back then. I just haven't been eating well or lifting weights or running as often as I want. Maybe one of these days I'll either fit into older pants or buy new ones. I am disappointed that my
red pants do not fit. Two or three weeks ago I was about to order new VS pants and didn't. Maybe I should do that now. So it probably isn't normal to put a picture of pants that don't fit or gut bulging over pants on my blog but nobody said I am normal.

This is probably why my pants don't fit.... chips with dip.
I went for a walk and then later did p90x ab ripper x. A few of those ab things were hard to do and I still couldn't get them right. So now I've done P90x yoga and ab ripper x. I still have a lot more to go to have done all of them.
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