Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3.11 - Food, Run, Poly, Pictures

I double slept in. I slept longer than on a normal Sunday but then I slept later because we changed the clocks.
Dave finally got me out of bed by saying he was cooking breakfast.  I cleaned up a bit while he cooked.  The breakfast was too salty so I only ate 1/3 or so of it.
Poly was helping even if it was dangerous.
Then we started putting up light fixtures.  After changing the 2 in both closets we learned that turning off the power to all the bedrooms did not turn off the power to the closets. I'm surprised I'm not dead.
Our closets have the 2 new light fixtures that are slightly smaller than the fixtures that used to be in there.  A while ago we had swapped 1 closet fixture with a keyless one that was in the master bedroom.
We moved the other closet fixture into the spare room.
You can tell Poly was the priority not actually installing lights.
We headed to Target to buy another slightly bigger fixture. When we got there we realized why we hadn't bought them yesterday; They were sold out.  So that was a wasted trip.  We also hit up a few stores trying to find sunglasses cases and we failed.  We got Wendy's though. I had a tasty vanilla Frosty.

We had to hurry home so I could change and go meet Kelly to run.  I got within 10 minutes of being there and realized I forgot my garmin.  I drove 3 more minutes then realized there was no way I could run 10 miles without my Garmin so I turned around.  I called Kelly to let her know I'd be late.  She was slightly late but I was still way later.  I told her to get started and I'd park in a different lot.  She probably still waited for me a little bit but at least she didn't wait 10 more minutes.  The thing is getting to the other lot required waiting at 1 red light once and another one 3 times. She ran an extra half mile or more in that time.

With the high speed burst on the camera setting you get a lot of pictures. It's pretty neat.
As soon as I was done running, I headed home only to come inside and get water and then head out to Adam's Township Community Park to walk with Dave and also force him to take a few pictures of me running.  I looked terrible from running 10 miles in the heat today.  I was smiling in the pictures because I was so happy I talked Dave into taking some.  He didn't take them on my good camera but I still knew they'd turn out good.  The park was very nice and there is some path between trees. It makes for some good pictures.  I actually wished I talked him into taking pictures at more than 3 locations. I also wish he took some a little from the side instead of straight on. But I guess I can't have everything.
Once we got home, I cooked dinner. I showered just in time for the timer to be going off. We watched TV while we ate and then we watched more TV.  I did a load of laundry while we watched TV. Dave fell asleep at 9:30 (which should feel like 8:30 to him).  Once he went to bed, I went up to my computer to mess with pictures and upload the race pictures I took. It was nothing but trouble.  Before I knew it, it was 2:00 AM.

All of the recent times I wore green were exercise outfits. So I just chose this day to use for Everybody Everywear. Not the most fashionable though.

Green | Everybody, Everywear

1 comment:

  1. Love that cat of yours. So adorable. And you are a very good runner, eh.

    Take care,
    Cathy@custom digitizinge
