Monday, December 28, 2015

9.27 (Lily's Party)

 The Steelers were playing so Ella and I wore some Steelers shirts.

Ella and I went to Lily's Birthday Party. Dave didn't go because the Steelers were on and weren't on the TV so he couldn't record it.

Ella walked the entire way to Lily's and carried the present. She was so happy to go. (The walk home didn't go so well.)

 We were a little slow since the present got heavy but we still made it.
 Ella had tons of fun at the party.

I never had so many people talk to me about football. I guess it's the shirt!

I took a ton of pictures of Ella but I also took pictures of all the other kids. I used my good camera and knew Gio wouldn't have time as a host to take many so I was being nice taking them for her.

Instead of leaving, Ella went inside and sat on the little couch to watch football with all the guys. I was shocked she did this since most of the time she's afraid of men.

The rest of the day didn't have many pictures so nothing interesting must have happened.


  1. I love the matching. That was nice of you to take pictures. I wish someone would do that for me!

    1. I've taken hundreds of pictures with my good camera at 3 parties so far at least. I really hope someone does it for me some day!
