Monday, September 11, 2017

Core de Force Week 2

I didn't do as well with week 2. I just didn't have it in me to cook enough so I didn't. I still ate similar meals as before but with one worse meal here or there.

The week was August 28-September 3
I worked out on August 29, August 30, September 1, and September 3.    I should have worked out 6 days and instead I only worked out 4. I also only did core once not twice.

Ella scared me in the middle of my workout and I hurt my wrist. Now push-ups are painful.  My knee got really bad too.   The slowness of Dynamic strength and Power Sculpt are better for my knee. But all the push-ups are not good for my wrist now. I just cannot win here.

I started watching Scandal again (and got past where I left off before and kept watching).  This contributed to my lack of cleaning up the kitchen mess after Ella was asleep and not being able to keep up with the mess + cooking during the day.

My weight throughout the week popped up and back down so it had roughly a 0 lb change from start to finish. I fully expected a gain.

Sometimes I think I'm not eating well but really I'm just not using the containers so then I don't really know that I had 2 veggies, 1 protein, and 1 carb in a meal. When I think about it after, I realize that is what I had. But while eating I'm unsure and thinking I'm doing it wrong.  (Sometimes I am all wrong like when I have Five Guys)

I took videos during most of my workouts but then sometimes I didn't even compile them in any way to post on my challenge group that I did my workout. Scandal seemed more important than compiling a video...hahaha Neither are actually important.  But I do love my videos later.

I think I only used my containers 1 time throughout the week. I mostly guess.   I know I have not had enough fruits. I am probably 1 under on veggies and proteins. I'm over on carbs or right on. Then I have been having sweets and junk food... because I'm hungry from being under on the good stuff.


Youtube seems to have changed their settings and I can't figure out how to get to my video list.
I think I took more videos and then just never compiled them.

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