Thursday, January 23, 2025

Parkrun 5k with Liam (12.28.24)

Liam and I ran our first 5k together. Liam did run/walk even though he initially said he wanted to run the entire thing. It was very rainy. 

Before we started, Liam made friends with all the dogs. He said hi to all of them while on course. He got high 5s 

I wish I got more pictures of the dogs. Also at the race, I remember all the dog names but now I don't.

Since it was Liam's first 5k, he got to ring the bell. But he also did really well. The last .25 or so he really slowed down but I'm impressed. 

This was NRC but I guess maybe I started it late or maybe it auto paused. I'm not sure how it's under 50 minutes. 

He played on the swing after. 

I hit lap each time we ran and each time we walked so I could update it to see how long he walked. 

IT was pretty fun to look at the official stats compared to the watch run and walking stats. 

Liam was really interested in doing more 5k. There was one on January 1 but I talked him out of going because I was just so tired and I had run so much the previous week and my knees were bothering me. 

I was disappointed there was no official race photographer. There usually is but it's all volunteers so they just didn't happen to have one. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025


A long time ago I did a hackathon! I still think about it.  It was in 2013. We won but never actually go to do the presentation they said. I still remember how the guy who announced ours they said he needs no introduction but I had no idea who he was.  David Filo... co-founder of Yahoo! Fabián did get a job at yahoo as a result of this hackathon! 

I had an old post about it for a lot of details. 

I came across the video today so thought I'd share. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Merry Christmas

I created 2 cards and ordered them from Walmart. The screenshots are the first 2 then I decided to make one in canva and make a blooper card. I figured I could text or email those. 

Past Cards

Friday, March 15, 2024

Parkrun 5k (2.24.24)

I forgot I made plans to run the race. I woke up so tired and strained. My watch even said strained. My body was just so tired from lack of sleep and being SO BUSY this past week. 

My watch predicted I could run a 27:16 5k which is actually slower than I had been.   But since my body sucked I just hoped for 30 min. Well I failed at that. I also forgot my inhaler. 

I talked to Alex for 2.5 mi of it. I realized my headphone muffles the interval beeping if you are talking so then you never hear it! 

It was the first time I set up my watch to say I was running a race. Well near the beginning it warned me my heart rate was too low. I was surprised. Well later it kept warning my heart rate was too high. We'd take walk breaks when it said that. Once we walked 45 sec or so just to get it down. I never paid attention to that before but my heart rate does get high during races.  My arms /hands got tingly at the end. I can't believe I ran a 5k in 30 min and got tingly hands during it. 

Alex and I plan to do the race again in a month. I'm afraid I will be worse because I never make time to run anymore and I love to run!

Look at my face there!
Right as we came up on the photographer, someone passed us and then went really slow. I thought for sure he was going to ruin my picture. Sure enough he did. You can see my shoulder and visor a little bit. 

Perrigo parkrun results for event #183. Your time was 00:30:40.
Congratulations on completing your 5th parkrun and your 5th at Perrigo parkrun today. You finished in 41st place out of a field of 85 parkrunners. You were the 8th female and came 2nd in your age category VW40-44. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Perrigo parkrun remains 00:25:44. Congratulations on your fastest time this year.
You achieved an age-graded score of 49.89%. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas

Nobody reads this anymore and I don't post to it but I do like to look back at the yearly Christmas cards so I'm making that post.  This year I designed 2 cards and this one printed way off center. The other one printed better but I forgot to screen shot it. 

 Past cards

Friday, August 4, 2023


We have been going to the beach a lot this summer but this was our first trip to a much closer beach. I compiled a quick video.  Overall the sand area was super small but Liam still had fun and managed. 

Dealing with 3 kids with 3 different swim abilities is not easy with just 1 adult. 

The beach has lifeguards and also life vests you can borrow until 6 pm and then you are on your own. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Wild Waves

I've taken the kids to the water park and theme park a few times.  I compiled videos twice but we went more than twice. Here we went on 7/12 and 7/16. 

 I made a short on youtube so I can't embed that here very well. 

I took 3 kids so we didn't go in the pool and then I took 2 kids while Liam was at preschool and we only swam. Traffic was really bad so we took more time driving to and from than we got to spend there in order to get home in time to get Liam from preschool. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lake Sammamish Half Marathon Recap 3.4.23

I ran my first half marathon in 7 years. I was supposed to run 3 or well 2  halfs and 1 18 mi race last racing season and I didn't get to do any of them. 

It was my worst half to date. It was also my first half since having 3 kids. And my first half since having 2 kids. So since 3 kids it's a PR. 

lack of food day before

lack of sleep

boxed in 

messed up garmin

Well it's 2.5 months later and the above is all I have written for the blog post. 

To elaborate, I was boxed in for about 9 miles of the 13.1. That was so annoying. It was really hard when I wanted to do run:walk intervals but you could barely get past anyone so if you stopped to walk then you couldn't pass people again. 

The weather was horrible. 

I feel like I mentioned lack of food the day before but 2.5 months later I don't even remember those details. 

I over dressed then spent a good 4 minutes trying to get my vest and hoodie off and figure out how to hold them. I was also dealign with my hydration vest so I had to take that off to take layers off.   The weather was unseasonably cold. It was a cold rain. 

I didn't start my garmin as a normal run or a half marathon. it was set as a long run. I thought I'd just advance the lap at the 1 mile mark and it'd fix itself. I forgot that would advance to the optional run and miss the hour or more of the regular run. So around 40 minutes in, I realized my garmin had stopped. I started it again but I was missing over 5 minutes of distance and time. That added to confusion during the entire race.  

The photos from the race said you could search by bib number but I think the weather messed that up because you couldn't read numbers on race bibs. I searched through all of the photos to find photos with me. 

I sent a ton of marco polos to Beth during the race but I never saved them so it's too much effort to see what i had to say. Probably complaining about how it was too cold then too hot with the layers then too cold when I took off the layers. Also the long walk to the bus after then sitting on the bus to ride back to the start being annoying. I had a bag for the bag drop but then didn't use anything from it. There was nowhere to change.   I did update instagram after the race so I save the instastories to a video. 

Mother's Day Half Marathon (5.14.23)

I was shocked how hot it was going to be for May but I at least went to sleep Saturday night expecting it to be hot. I pulled out everything I needed and had it all ready to go. I conveniently made a checklist in google keep the last time I ran a half so I had that to look at. I had to add sunscreen to the list since on the rainy day in March I didn't need sunscreen.

Most nights before races I wake up a dozen times nervous that I won't wake up with my alarm. I also set numerous alarms. Right before bed I thought I should check and set another alarm. I forgot to double check but I had one set.

Well at 5:58 Liam woke me up asking if it was morning. I said no and to go back to sleep. I totally forgot I had a race. I went back to sleep. 6:04 is when my alarm was set for but I don't ever remember it going off. Around 6:10 Miles woke me up saying his shoulder or arm hurt. That's when I remembered I had a race. I bolted out of bedd and think he just said OK go to your race and he went back to sleep. I never did learn what was going on that made his shoulder hurt.  Dave was awake but couldn't remember what time I had to wake up so he didn't wake me up.  I hurried and got out the door. There was plenty of parking so that was fine.  
6:55 Sunscreen 

6:59 Energize

I pinned my number, put on sunscreen, drank energize, and got in the bathroom line. I thought I had plenty of time so I waited in the real line versus using a portapotty. Well I got done there with 2 minutes or so before the start of the race. 

7:26 start line 
It was already really hot to me at the start of the race at 7:30 am. It was a crazy warm day. I think there were records going to be set but I never confirmed if they were. 

The race had 2 waves at the start but I'm not even sure when it was split. I was near 1:50 and 2:00 pacers and they were insanely close together waiting at the start. The start was wide and you had an entire lane at the beginning so I wasn't boxed in at all. It was really nice not being boxed in.   I made marco polos to Beth and Ali during my race and saved them for some of howI was feeling. The last few miles I was just so hot that I didn't update. 

After I finished I gave many race updates though. I can't believe my heart rate got up to 200. 

My marco polo videos before, during, and after the race were over 15 minutes so I cut them down for this summary post. 
  • Arrived even after waking up late
  • Energize
  • It's too hot already 
  • At the start
  • .4 in
  • 16 min in - mile 1 no uphill 9:03. 6:30 into this and 10:54 pace
  • 10:20 2nd mile split - so hot 
  • 3 mi on watch a minute before the 3 mile marker 30 min (29:00) 
  • yay not boxed in
  • steep hill, minute 8 of eating my nutrition
  • Trail! 
  • 11:33 on that split! 
  • Mile 8 - 10:10 
  • So hot  Miles 9 10:23
  • no more updates during the race.  The rest is post race commentary 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Perrigo Parkrun 5k (12/31/22)

I needed some miles to hit my super stretch goal that I made up later in the year so I decided to run the parkrun 5k. My legs were very tired after 6 hard days of running.  This is my third time doing parkrun and my worst time. I did not run with intervals and ran continuously. This is rare for me. I also didn't try to speed up like with stride repeats. I just tried to run. I could tell my legs were tired. I actually think 2 of 3 times I ran this race I ran on tired legs unsure I was going to run it. I want to run more but don't seem to get to it. 

I didn't arrive late for the first time. So that was nice to be able to use the bathroom and warmup before the race actually started. 

I was waiting to post this for some race photos but they were lacking or not posted. The race director posted some photos and I was in 2 but he said look for the actual photographer photos coming soon and I never saw those. They were probably never posted because it's very difficult to post photos to the facebook page and I had a ton of issues when I did it. (I took photos at their 1/1/23 race.) 

I did slower than last time but I didn't think I'd do that much slower. 

Perrigo parkrun results for event #120. Your time was 00:26:56.
Congratulations on completing your 3rd parkrun and your 3rd at Perrigo parkrun today. You finished in 28th place and were the 7th Female out of a field of 75 parkrunners and you came 1st in your age category VW35-39. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Perrigo parkrun remains 00:25:44. Your best time this year remains 00:25:44.

All Results at Perrigo
Run Date  Run Number  Pos  Time  Age Grade  PB?  

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A day in the life ... (1/31/23)

It's been about 5 years since I did a day in the life post. I randomly thought about how I should type today.  Google paid storage is too full so I don't have photos backed up so this will be without photos. 

7:20 alarm went off and I hit snooze. 

7:50-8:30 Got dressed and getting the kids ready for school. 

Photobooked until Liam woke up (20 min or so)

Got Liam ready for school

Grocery store

Dropped Liam off at school.  (~10:30) 

Drove home forget what I did 

Left for Trader Joe's

Got home, unpacked, groceries, immediately headed to a meeting. 

Meeting location had to change on the fly since the Library isn't open. 

Meeting until 12:45. 

Drove home, wiped off the counters, put a frozen meal in the microwave and did follow-up to the meeting. 

Ate and did follow-up to meeting.

Drove to where I pick up the kids. Ran. Had to cut the run short since I didn't have enough time. 

Picked up the kids, listened to some jokes from Ella, took a shower, did some dental insurance stuff, emptied garbages, went and got Liam. Then I put in laundry since he had an accident during nap at school. 

Dinner prep, dinner, photobooked while delaying going downstairs for Liam's bedtime. The kids complained about dinner but did better eating compared to normal. Also before dinner was ready, I gave them fruit and they ate 1.5 containers of strawberries that I just bought today. Had issues with photoboking and it took longer. I finished February 2020 in my photobooking.

Got Liam ready for bed but he's awake and I typed this at 10 pm.  He will probably go to sleep by 11 pm and I realize I have to do 1 more workout to hit my January goal so I guess after he's asleep that's what I'm doing. 

I feel like I had no time but old Day in the life posts were worse since I can sleep almost 8 hours and before I couldn't.  (I try all the time to photobook and usually photobook twice a month but I managed to do a little 2 days in a row.)