Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Card

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I made 4 versions of collages + a greeting. Two of the collages had 2 pictures, 1 3 pictures and then this one with 6. I can't for the life of me get the pictures to auto backup. I am so short on space, that I don't upload anything that isn't backed up so all you get is this 1.  The other collages used some of the same pictures and some different ones.

I mailed some of these out and some just pictures. The people who got pictures got homemade cards. You can think about which you find nicer.  I never know what people like or want. I didn't have time to make everyone homemade cards. I also accidentally have 3 addressed cards still here that are not mailed. I ran out of stamps.


  1. We didn't start our cards until the week of Christmas if that makes you feel better. :) I ordered them Sunday before Christmas and started addressing, etc. that day.

    1. That doesn't make me feel better
      I still have 1 card to mail and realized I was missing 3 addresses so those didn't get mailed.

    2. Aw I tried. You're a good mom and a good person. It gets hard around the holidays.

  2. We got your card and I loved it! Thanks again!! I also really like this version. You got some nice pictures. I hope you had a merry Christmas!
