Monday, March 6, 2006

peyton place

I finished reading Return to Peyton Place. It wasn't as good Peyton Place. They are dirty books though. I think the 2nd was even dirtier than the first. It was written 5 or so years after the first.


  1. kbredxiii (LiveJournal)March 6, 2006 at 12:41 PM

    So reading your lj is like a pseudo-regular thing with this button on my firefox bar, its like checking CNN - just have to click on my homepage icon - not even sure how this button appeared, its the only worthwhile button the rest are free hotmail, windows meadia, blah blah.

  2. smilincolleen (LiveJournal)March 6, 2006 at 1:07 PM

    whatever is there is the stuff in your links column in firefox i bet. and you can drag stuff down there and add it. you can also delete stuff from the bar.

    now i expect more comments from you on entries with it being so easy.
